Left here for archival purposes.

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By GeoNomad
gwizz wrote:Been asked via EEVBlog forum - what voltage is the GPIO0 oscillating to during zombie boot mode?


I have set up a scope to monitor. Will let you know when it goes into zombie mode.

Normal oscillations just before going to sleep seem to be 2.6 to 3.15 volts (Vcc is 3.2 volts at the chip). Then dropping to 0.0 in sleep.

I hope it doesn't work fine with a scope probe on it. I have seen that one too many times in the past...

I see your comment is that it goes above Vcc. I would also like to see how that was measured, as it is surprising.

As always, with RF and digital signals in close proximity, one of the first culprits I look for is RF noise on digital signals (or affecting measuring devices - creating unbelievable results).
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By alonewolfx2
#8866 Now I am trying to log temprature on thingspeak with new 0.9.5 based at example. I modified and its working like nodemcu thingspeak examples. its sending data every minute and going to deepsleep. now its running 3 hours without zombie mode. in nodemcu, i didnt saw much than 2 hours.it seems zombie mode problem coming with nodemcu spi or filesystem things if new code can run more than 8 hours.
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By MKoehler
#8871 I have written two simple LUA files to reproduce the problem with esp8266 never waking up from dsleep. It only started in version

NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150126 powered by Lua 5.1.4

whereas in previous version

NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150118 powered by Lua 5.1.4

you could have the module wake up as often as you like (tried >2000). I tried the code with different type models of esp8266. It always comes down to that the problem only exists since firmware version NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150126 powered by Lua 5.1.4.

The code to reproduce:
init.lua: dofile("memo.lua")

if x then

I hope someone will be able to delve into the C source code successfully...