Post your best Lua script examples here

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By alnitak
#11816 Guys,

I have successfully interfaced the nodemcu flashed esp8266 to an i2c dhu21df temp/humidity sensor. I now want to set up a tcp connection to post the sensor data to I'm having trouble understanding the syntax to do that. Anybody care to help?
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By Vitoa
#11842 Try this and report if works

conn:on("receive", function(conn, pl) print("response: ",pl) end)
conn:on("connection",function(conn, payload)
conn:send("POST /dweet/for/thing_name?temperature=" .. temp .. "&hum=" .. hum .. " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n".."Connection: close\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")

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By picstart
#11847 Does get any better than the above..dweet is ridiculously easy to use ..avoids the intrusive nature of competing services...they maybe the next twitter
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By Vitoa
#11875 is amazing and simple to use , but no security on POST/GET requests, no QoS and no encryptation in connection.
But advantages are free and very simple to post data and request data

But for more adanced ioT projects you can go for MQTT protocol, but u need to have your own MQTT server or using a public MQTT server, I think can use port 1883
THe advantages are low letancy in communications(based on websockets), option of QoS to garante deliver etc, optional encryptation for secure connections.