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By Aonko
#12226 So I have tried three different builds with "ws2812.writergb(3, string.char(0, 0, 255):rep(10))" and I get this error as well. "stdin: attempt to index global 'ws2812' (a nil value)"

Builds I have tried.

I have no idea what is going on, it seems most people who have had this issue weren't using the correct build...

Would someone mind posting their working code?
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By Aonko
Musti wrote:This build works for me: nodemcu_integer_dev_json_20150317.bin using ws2812.writergb(3, string.char(g, r, b))

Nope that doesn't work for me, I wonder if I am not setting the function call up properly. Are you running that one line of code?