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By alonewolfx2
kadamski wrote:Can you explain in more details what you mean by suffix set function?

dns suffix working with dnsmasq. something like ".lan" its necessary for finding devices on the network.some router's like open-wrt giving dns suffix for every devices. for ex. esp8266-abcdef is esp's hotsname and laptops hostname is mylaptop. if router giving dns suffix, esp8266-abcdef.lan is esp's dnsmasq and mylaptop.lan is laptops dnsmasq. so i can ping like "ping mylaptop". if router dont have dns suffix option, windows machine's cant find .lan local dns segment and it cant send ping for hostname.
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By kadamski
#9264 But from your description I understand that it's router who will or will not provide domain name to the client. What can we do about that on client?

BTW, it seems that you know how to compile bunch of different firmwares on Windows. What should I do in the lwip project so that you could compile it on Windows? I don't have Windows system to test that.
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By alonewolfx2
#9265 we can change or ad dns suffix on windows. but i dont know on lwip, maybe lwip doesnt support.
for compiling
i am using ecilips ide (espressif unofficial dev kit.)(mingw and xtensa core. i have this error message. i changed cc and ar path. i think problem is in makefile but i didnt figure that out yet.
Code: Select all19:06:31 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project esp-lwip-esp8266-1.4.1 ****
mingw32-make.exe -f C:/Espressif/examples/esp-lwip-esp8266-1.4.1/Makefile all
/xtensa-lx106-elf-ar rcs liblwip.a
C:/Espressif/examples/esp-lwip-esp8266-1.4.1/Makefile:21: recipe for target 'liblwip.a' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, /xtensa-lx106-elf-ar rcs liblwip.a, ...) failed.
make (e=2): Sistem belirtilen dosyayı bulamıyor.

mingw32-make.exe: *** [liblwip.a] Error 2

19:06:31 Build Finished (took 103ms)