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By pursuant
#34093 Thanks so much for this tool, Markus! It has proven to be very helpful for my NodeMCU development (ESPlorer is a nightmare).

I feel that this build system for Sublime Text 3 could be useful to more people in the future, so I took it and packaged it up over at GitHub as bepursuant/SublimeNodeMCU . That way, it can be worked as an open source project and have all the advantages of Git and GitHub's issue tracking.

I made many changes for the version that is currently up - it's fully Python 3, it logs console output better, and it's packaged in a way that makes it very easy to install (just clone into the Packages\User directory and it is good to go!)
I've given you credit in the Readme, and it will remain there. If you want credit in the console output, or if you want to admin the GitHub repo, I would do it gladly.

Thanks again,
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By play0852
#34524 Hey this looks really cool. Thanks for all your hard work. Is there any way i can modify this to work with linux? (Ubuntu) Seems like i should only need to modify "SublimeNodeMCU.sublime-build" and any call to "python" should be replaced with "python3"... I just don't know how to modify "SublimeNodeMCU.sublime-build" correctly.

Edit: Have you looked at "nodemcu-uploader", available at ?
It seems pretty fast too, and supports more than just uploading.
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By devlab
#36985 Hi Markus!

Thank you for publishing the script.
I found it very useful for batch uploading into ESP module. The batch I use under Windows is following:
Code: Select all@echo off
set ESP_LUA_PYTHON_DIR=C:\Proggy\ESP8266\uploader

if .%1.==.. goto nosrcdir

cd %1
@for %%i in (*) do echo python %ESP_LUA_PYTHON_DIR%\ %%i
goto exit

echo Error: No src directory specified. Run:
echo uploader.bat [directory with sources to upload to NodeMCU ESP module]


A single argument to the batch file is a directory name, from which to upload all the files into ESP8266 module.

Somehow the script didn't worked with the newest NodeMCU firmware generated on, so I have made a couple of minor nodifications and put the result into I also stored the original version of your scripts at: If you don't like something in the repository, please contact me and I will fix it.