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Sending file or text

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:42 pm
by javo
Hi. I'm quite new and probably as I don't know where to post this, neither I know where to find a solution to my problem. My apologizes.

Context. An Arduino UNO is logging ~8 MB files with formatted text lines into an SD card. I have plugged an ESP8266-01 in a software serial port to Arduino. A computer inside LAN is going to eventually request a log file, so it can process the data of the sensor. Both devices are connected to a common router.

Goal. What I need is a way to send wirelessly the content of the file from Arduino to the computer. No web server, just file transfering.

I've flashed with NodeMCU since I have basic experience with Lua and I find it more pleasant to work with rather than AT commands.

Here is my bare plan. Make ESP8266 listen to a signal, through serial tell Arduino the name of the file it has been requested to send, Arduino sends line by line the content of the file, ESP8266 sends line by line via WiFi.

I'm looking for an example code that can help. Any ideas or advice or link?

Re: Sending file or text

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:07 am
by Gibbedy
Hi. I'm new too.
I haven't come across any examples of arduino esp8266 code for higher level protocols for file transfter.

I'll wait and see. I'm only familiar with arduino/c++ but ftp would be pretty easy (for someone else) to do going by examples on arduino esp8266Wifi library.

https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob ... xamples.md

I look forward to other responses.

Re: Sending file or text

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:02 pm
by javo
Gibbedy wrote:https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/doc/esp8266wifi/server-examples.md

I already visited that post and I don't find it useful (or in my newbieness I just don't see it). First of all, it starts up a http server. And second, that's not NodeMCU.

Currently I'm trying to use
Code: Select alluart.on()
with a
Code: Select allprint()
callback function for sending data, and a
Code: Select alluart.write()
for requesting to Arduino. I cannot test it though since I messed up my Lua scripts and I'm not even able to get to programming mode.

Hope to read some new soon!

Re: Sending file or text

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:01 pm
by marcelstoer
I can't know for sure but I suspect you stand a much better chance if you pick the appropriate forum: Random Lua Chat.