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By picpic020960
#9025 Bonjour

after some test with ESP-01 last firmware, issues with node.restart() with LUALOADER or ESPLORER

no prompt line.

the blue led flash but nothing on the screen.

- firmware ?
- hardware ?
- IDE ?
- some IDE settings to checked ?
- usb2serial issues ?

how to can debug this ?

thanks for help


edit : after more tests it's OK with ESPLORER
with LUALOADER the problem seems from USB2serial : no enough COM in 'port comm settings' tab
so now I work with ESPLORER
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By GeoNomad
picpic020960 wrote:, issues with node.restart() with LUALOADER or ESPLORER

no prompt line.

the blue led flash but nothing on the screen.

node.restart() changes the baud rate back to 9600 baud.

If you are using a terminal such as LuaLoader set to a different baud rate, then you won't be able to communicate.

LuaLoader has an option to reset the baud rate to 9600 baud when it detects a restart, but you may not have that option enabled, or LuaLoader may have missed it.