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Uploading code when UART doesn't send data to interpreter

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:02 am
by edtamarin
Hello everyone,

I am using a NodeMCU development board v1.0 to read out a GPS sensor (u-blox NEO-6M). It sends the GPS data over serial, so I must use Serial 0 for it, as Serial 1 does not support receiving data. However, I run into a problem here.

To correctly read out data from the sensor, I must not send it to the Lua interpreter. I turn it off in the uart,on() function as specified in the docs here. However, since the interpreter is disabled, I can no longer communicate with the board using ESPlorer - I cannot upload files, see filesystem info, send commands, etc, since ESPlorer relies on the UART data being run by Lua.

My question then is - how can I keep the ESPlorer functionality but still receive data from the GPS module correctly?

Thanks in advance!