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GUI for esptool-ck.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:58 am
by AndreT
I created a GUI for Esptool-ck using Red programming language( http://www.red-lang.org/ ):


Esptool-ck is a program writen in C to flash firmware to the ESP8266. Don't confuse it with exptool.py, a python program that does pretty much the same thing, but requires python installed in your computer.

Esptool-ck is small (36KB!) and versatile. It's the tool the Arduino IDE uses to flash programs to the ESP8266. However it's a CLI program, that is, no Graphic User Interface. I wrote this script in Red to give it a basic interface to be used with NodeMcu boards and Windows.

About my GUI:


- detects serial ports available (up to COM9 only)
- checks to see if the binary file was made for the memory size you selected and patches the file if needed!


- NodeMcu boards only. As it is, it uses the eptool-ck's "nodemcu reset mode".
- Windows only. It interfaces with Windows' command prompt.
- Only a sub-set of esptool-ck's are available, and only those related to flashing NodeMcu boards. No aspects of the conversion of ELF files into BIN files is explored at the moment.

Re: GUI for esptool-ck.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:18 pm
by Spackstor
Thank you for this software. I was having issues with some of my ESP8266-01s. I have tried various flashers without success. Termite can communicate so the modules are "good"?

To be clear, this did not solve my problem. However I do appreciate another flashing widget.

Re: GUI for esptool-ck.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:50 am
by marcelstoer
It's always cool to build your own stuff :D However, if you just wanted to have a well-maintained GUI tool for flasher you could have picked https://github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher from yours truly. Self-contained binaries are available for macOS and Windows.

Re: GUI for esptool-ck.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 8:03 pm
by AndreT
marcelstoer wrote:It's always cool to build your own stuff :D However, if you just wanted to have a well-maintained GUI tool for flasher you could have picked https://github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher from yours truly. Self-contained binaries are available for macOS and Windows.

Yes Marcel, I appreciate your program very much. It's the best tool for programming the ESP8266 in my opinion. I still use it a lot, since it has some options that I did not include in my GUI. Thank you for it!