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By hreintke
#5544 LS,
Thanks for the upgrade. Using v0.1 version 203 now.
Noticed in that :
- Saving to ESP/Disk still saves to both. It really needs save only ESP and only Disk.
- I am working with a .lua file of around 95 lines.
after saving it 2-3 times everything gets terrible slow and need to restart ESPlorer to get it on speed again.
- You can only work on snippets when the port is open
- When you are updating a snippet there is no way to cancel the update, you can only save/run
- When you are in "view"mode of a snippet and use and of the ctrl-v alt-b alt-l commands the work on the (not visible) script window
- When you are updating snippet1 and (without saving) run or go to update mode for snippet2 your work is lost
- Settings/snippets are saved/restored. What is the location of the settings file ?
Kind regards,

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By 4refr0nt
hreintke wrote:- Saving to ESP/Disk still saves to both. It really needs save only ESP and only Disk.

go to "Settings" tab and uncheck "AutoSave File to disk" and uncheck "AutoSave File to ESP", also u can uncheck "AutoRun"

hreintke wrote:- I am working with a .lua file of around 95 lines.
after saving it 2-3 times everything gets terrible slow and need to restart ESPlorer to get it on speed again.

Hmmm.... I need more detailed info. U can send me this file and I will be test. I 'm never see this, but I really use smaller files for testing
hreintke wrote:- You can only work on snippets when the port is open

No. You can't run snippet while serial port in "close" state, but you can edit and save. Try "..." buttons.
hreintke wrote:- When you are updating a snippet there is no way to cancel the update, you can only save/run

Yes, its not beatifull, but u can use any "..." button for discard any changes and load another stored snippet
hreintke wrote:- When you are in "view"mode of a snippet and use and of the ctrl-v alt-b alt-l commands the work on the (not visible) script window

Ya... sorry... this bug in TODO list now
hreintke wrote:- When you are updating snippet1 and (without saving) run or go to update mode for snippet2 your work is lost

this bug in TODO list now
hreintke wrote:- Settings/snippets are saved/restored. What is the location of the settings file ?

This location platform depended, fully JAVA controlled and may be overrided by user in JAVA Control Panel
For Win-based platforms - registry, try regedit and search "". For example, Win7x64 - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\
You can find detailed info by search query "Where are the Java preferences stored in ..." for other platforms (see userRoot, not for systemRoot)
Or u can see "Java Prefs" for java internal details.
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By javiery
hreintke wrote:LS,
- I am working with a .lua file of around 95 lines.
after saving it 2-3 times everything gets terrible slow and need to restart ESPlorer to get it on speed again.

It's the same with build 200. I have not yet tested the update. My OS is Ubuntu 14.04.