Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By danny_orionrobots
#47410 Hello, I am Danny and I've been working on Esp8266 stuff for a while, I make the videos on the Orionrobots channel.
I've been working on a project called "Bounce!"- it's a visual programming system, like Scratch, for the esp8266 running the NodeMCU Lua firmware.

The intent is to put these awesome MCU's in the hands of kids with scratch experience, along with sensors, actuators and perhaps (this may be brave) even some web based interactivity - both for learning, fun and just to see what children can come up with.

Currently it's been written to the firmware I had setup (0.9.6), there are bugs in it and it definitely needs some work, however it is in a state where others can use it and contribute. It's currently a Google Chrome app, and requires that the esp's already have the Lua firmware on them with a 9600 baud rate (I'm yet to add a setting for this).

The project is at

I'd love to get comments, testers, issues and pull requests for it.
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By Mmiscool
#48902 If the scratch like editor is programmed in java script it might be possible to make module self host the environment.

This way the kids will never have to install any thing or even connect the device to the computer with a wire. This is what I have been doing with esp basic for quite some time and is one of its main features.

I think that some thing like that could really put this project over the top.