Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By GotADab
#51217 Ok so the code is working fine now.

when i manually start init.lua it works as supposed to.

i have ironed out all the main bugs and am only missing one which has to do with the ESP01 module.

when power is shut down, and reapplied init.lua does not start. when i connect to the module using esplorer it gives me the error Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received.

i then click on reload and init.lua button appears under the reload.

i click the init.lua button and program starts to work as expected.

i have made the most progress following This Tutorial

i have a makerfire esp01 although specs says its 1mb flash, it works with 512

and i am using the nodemcu flasher with nodemcu build and i flash the default bin from the tutorial.

nodemcu_integer_0.9.6-dev_20150704.bin @ 0x00000
esp_init_data_default.bin @ 0x7C000

baud 115200
flash size 512kb
speed 40mhz
spimode dio
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By marcelstoer
GotADab wrote:nodemcu_integer_0.9.6-dev_20150704.bin

That's the most likely culprit. The 0.9.x binaries are hopelessly outdated, no longer maintained and contain quite a few bugs. Keep track of to see what you're missing.

I suggest you create a recent binary, follow ... x-firmware and try again. I doubt your problem has got anything to do with your hardware.
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By GotADab
#51227 You see, i did create a custom build fw nodemcu-master-8-modules-2016-07-14-02-43-11-integer.bin with the website. out of the already 7 selected the only thing i added was mqtt.

i get same results.

im using a prolific232, because the ftd i have didnt work.

and it has to be something i am doing as i get same results with all 3 i have tried.

Edit: Additional problems. esp01 connects to network but displays nil as ip

the only LOGICAL conclusion i can make is my process of flashing, or the settings i am using are wrong.
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By GotADab
#51232 you see i am using the latest lua, and sdk firmware. and the only time it loads up correctly is after it panics, HOWEVER it STILL doesnt load the init.lua.

in the custom build module for the makerfire esp8266-01 is there any module extra i need? can someone help me build the correct firmware.

the other strange thing is it works wit 115200 & 9600 baud rate. i can write and run the program manually with either.