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Re: weird ascii characters on nodemcu serial

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:09 pm
by marcelstoer
francesco.u wrote:
Code: Select allesptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dio -fs 32m -ff 4m 0x00000 bin/nodemcu_integer_master_20161203-1334.bin  0x3FC000 ~/esp_init_data_default.bin

That's good - in a way. You learned about the different parameters.

  • The dev branch which contained an improvement which would allow the firmware to set the init data upon boot was merged to master on Dec 1st. Hence, you don't need to flash init data manually anymore.
  • esptool.py >= v1.2 doesn't require the flash size parameter anymore as comes with auto detection

francesco.u wrote:the blue led doesn't blink anymore and when I open the serial on ESPlorer I get (after 30 seconds!!!)

NodeMCU uses 115'200 baud by default. That's probably the reason you're seeing garbled text. The reason it took 30s most likely is that NodeMCU was formatting the SPIFFS file system. It prints a corresponding message to console (which you couldn't read).

Now play with the 'turbo'/'dumb' mode settings with ESPlorer until you find a stable configuration.

Re: weird ascii characters on nodemcu serial

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:16 am
by francesco.u
thank you for your help!

I've flashed several 0.9 NodeMCU boards and they're working...

it seems that even if I use the most updated master nodemcu, I need to write esp_init_data_default.bin

Code: Select allesptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dio -fs 32m -ff 40m 0x00000 bin/nodemcu_integer_master_20161204-1204.bin  0x3FC000 ~/Downloads/esp_init_data_default.bin

I managed to use ESPlorer after setting 115'200 baud and Turbo answer timeout 10s. Then once I've clicked the buttons (e.g. Heap/Chip info) I can upload my scripts.

This is bit different from the most recent nodemcu boards.
With latest nodemcu boards I can see the firmware version printed on the serial and it's immediately ready to upload scripts.

marcelstoer wrote:
  • The dev branch which contained an improvement which would allow the firmware to set the init data upon boot was merged to master on Dec 1st. Hence, you don't need to flash init data manually anymore.
  • esptool.py >= v1.2 doesn't require the flash size parameter anymore as comes with auto detection

francesco.u wrote:the blue led doesn't blink anymore and when I open the serial on ESPlorer I get (after 30 seconds!!!)

NodeMCU uses 115'200 baud by default. That's probably the reason you're seeing garbled text. The reason it took 30s most likely is that NodeMCU was formatting the SPIFFS file system. It prints a corresponding message to console (which you couldn't read).

Now play with the 'turbo'/'dumb' mode settings with ESPlorer until you find a stable configuration.