Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By picstart
#7280 It seems that the build is mostly targeted and tested on linux platforms. Windows is maybe possible via using a virtual linux machine (VM) but there doesn't appear to be much success with this so far.
I don't want to jump into the rabbit hole until the compile process is more robust. The value to compiling is the ability to control the framework code.
If compiling is unstable on Windows then the Nodemcu prebuild is the only way to go.
Anyone had succcess with compiling on a Win7-64 PC?
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By gwizz
#7284 It seems the CHERTS environment mentioned a few posts back is one way to go for that - I was lucky in that the linux toolchain got all sorted out from underneath me just as I was starting to investigate it!

But it would be good to validate that and contribute it to the wiki if it isn't already there... or report problems if not...
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By yoannq
#10401 thanks mr kadamski , it work perfectly ! :lol:
kadamski wrote:I was able to compile/flash/run it on Linux without any problems by doing following:

1. Install esp-open-sdk. This was as easy as cloning repository and calling make.

2. Set path to the toolchain created in step one, some thing like
Code: Select allexport PATH=/home/k/BUILD/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/:$PATH

3. Clone nodemcu-firmware repo, call make (without any -jX parameter, for some reason this does not work for me).

4. Use to prepare and flash images:
Code: Select elf2image app/.output/eagle/debug/image/ write_flash 0x00000 app/.output/eagle/debug/image/  0x10000 app/.output/eagle/debug/image/
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By marvi
#27837 I was trying to compile my own firmware for the first time, but no success.
I got the 2 .bin files:

Code: Select all-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2093071 Sep  4 23:28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   35008 Sep  4 23:29
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  395896 Sep  4 23:29

then I flashed. The process seems ok, but when I try to use the module, for example with ESPlorer I have no answer from the module.
Code: Select allCommunication with MCU...

then I reflashed with a downloaded firmware. The module works:

Code: Select allPORT OPEN 9600

Communication with MCU...
Got answer! AutoDetect firmware...

NodeMCU firmware detected.

Someone tried with the actual git version of the firmware?
