Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By faint_u
#17805 Is it just me having this problem? I tried to flash the single file firmware (nodemcu-latest.bin from prebuilt directory) to ESP8266-201 board using nodemcu-flasher. It's always fails at some point saying flash write timeout. I did some more study on the flashing protocol (based on information from this page, wrote my own flasher tool to dump the progress and noticed it failed at block 0xB700. Further more study on the image format, I realized that 0xB700 is the actual total size of first part of the image. So the module I have is actually looking for that information and refuse to flash region between 0xB700 to 0x10000. I tried a different image and confirmed that.

Is that just me running into this issue? All my two 201 modules are having the same behavior.