Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By cal
Mario Mikočević wrote:Try flashing with blank512k.bin. I've restored one b0rken esp-01 with that. One of other four remaining still refuses to work, spewing endless stream of (3,7) ..


I'd bet the one not running is something other than an esp 01?
If the broken module has more flash than maybe something is still in flash and I would
burn the blank bin at increasing memory locations or create a blank4M.bin or whatever is needed
by contatenating the blank512k.bin as needed.

Thinking about it I wonder if the erase_flash option of
Code: Select
wouldn't do the same.

If you want to check if flashing worked you could use
Code: Select
to actually read data
back from flash and compare with what you expected to have burned.

Hope that helps,
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By kriegste
#19925 "MEM CHECK FAIL!!!" gets transmitted with 115200 baud. So if your firmware is at default baud rate (9600) and you configured your com port to the same rate, you will not see this message!
I use a firmware specifically configured to 115200 baud and I see the error every time I reboot the module. Flashing blank512k.bin does change that. The console works, though. I only can't get a connection to my router, but I guess this is another problem I still have not found.