Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By kriegste
#19869 I compiled Nodemcu myself and now i'm trying these commands to connect to my router:


(ssid and password are entered correctly, I checked this multiple times!)


The problem is, I do not get a connection.

(this gives "nil", even after several minutes)

(this first returns 1, and after a few minutes, 4)

I had luck connecting with the standard AT firmware a few days ago, but I am forced to compile Nodemcu myself since I need 115200 baud.
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By jairos2015
#19937 Good . ESP8266 leave on a moment (about one hour) and enter the router configuration page ESP8266 saw the one assigned at running only instructions nodejs connection to the server and it worked. Now he will have to work using a delay for assigning IP by the router.