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By rant
#21873 Using arduino and nodemcu we trying to put the chip in sleep so :


and then after delay of a few seconds, we are trying to connect again to the internet- and it DOES connects
while it should be in a sleep mode (??)

reset and gpio16 are in vcc (they should be grounded to wake up but we cant even put it to sleep)
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By rant
#21888 Can anyone here, please, please help us with this strange sleep issue ???

Let me know what am i missing here : reset and GPIO16 , are both connected to our MCU .
2.The MCU is outputs HIGH on both this pins right at the start of the program
3.than we are trying to set the module to sleep with sending him :

wifiSerial.println("node.dsleep(0, 2)");

Later ,5 second after it, i am trying to connect with the module/get ip/any other thing- and they are all working(!) .
How can they be working if the module is sleep ? i guess its not , for some strange reason .

Can anyone write down what are the exact steps to make it sleep, and than awake ??

thanks ..