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By korg1000
#26349 Hi, i set the softap active, and by default the channel is the 6.
But, on my nexus 5 lollipop android phone (and my cousin phone too), the softap ssid remains appearing and disappearing.
Using the wifi analyzer, i find out the 6 channel is already in use by my neighbor wifi, so i think the problem of appearing/desappearing ssid is a channel conflict.
Question: how could i change the channel to any free channel?
I could not find anything on the nodemcu documentation.

Sorry by my english, not my main language.

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By sfranzyshen
avc wrote:Hi,

What would I do if I need to create a softAP, with no password but set a channel?

Here's what I did ... and it worked ...

/* Set these to your desired credentials. */
const char *ssid = "ESPap";
const char *password = "";
int channel = 11;

WiFi.softAP(ssid, password, channel);