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By forlotto
#33996 put your baud rate at 9600...
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By forlotto
#34000 9600 baud rate

are you using nodemcu development board?

if so use flash download tools

And flash with this

To sync hold flash button in keep holding and press reset once the led starts blinking let go of the flash button

0x00000 is the address just browse and use the appropriate flash file.

do this before flashing and syncing...

Enjoy hope this helps!

If you still have problems that is!

Don't mention it!
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By mtufail
#56510 I ran into similar situation with my nodemcu. Mine is using CP2102 and I noticed that it is using 230400 baudrate when I flashed it (shows up in the "Advanced" tab of nodemcu flasher).

I changed the baudrate to 230400 on Esplorer, had to click DTR/RTS few times, and was able to connect with nodemcu.

It is still not clean but it let me proceed.