Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By MK1888
#9606 I'd like to revive this thread, as I just tried to update the firmware and was unsuccessful.

Here's what I did:
1. Downloaded the firmware master zip file.
2. Launch the firmware flasher (ESP8266Flasher.exe) in the Win32/Release folder.
3. Selected the "Config" tab.
4. Changed the "INTERNAL://FLASH" entry to the file path of the latest firmware (pre_build\latest\nodemcu_latest.bin).
5. Selected the "Operation" tab and clicked "Flash".

When I boot the module it constantly outputs gibberish.

Can someone please tell me the proper procedure?
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By MK1888
#9610 Okay, I think I figured it out. I unchecked the other items in the "Config" tab before flashing and it seems to be okay.