As the title says... Chat on...

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By forlotto
#30222 Do not confuse "demanding" with excited and anxious about the possibilities of this thing. If you did not know I have been using this forum and I have been using google I did see some examples that somewhat resembled what I wanted to do and to be honest your tone is even poorer than mine.

A community forum used to be about "sharing information" and "asking questions".
This seems to have been lost over the years... I even host my own forum ;) just for kicks to store information I find of use or value to me. If I could physically show you the amount I have read vs the amount I have posted and the hours I have spent reading I think your tune would be slightly different or not depending on your beliefs.

Somehow there is always someone with a messiah complex these days who feels that the world should follow their lead and live and walk in their footsteps. I am not and will not be one of those people no offense to you and please feel free to give your opinion at any time no matter what I say or anyone else says your opinion does matter. In your case you see it as words of "wisdom" possibly you are trying to give me after about 35years of living, being involved in several different forums over those years and communities I have seen a change in them. Don't get me wrong there are still a few good men out there kolban (The guy that wrote the free book.) Msicool (The fella who wrote the basic version for the esp8266) these are the fellas out there I tip my hats to. But the change is a persistent degradation of values and a forgotten purpose about what a forum was built and designed for and came from. I have paid out of my pocket to host my own forum and share information I feel may be of value that I find you are welcome to look at it if it interests you as well The name came from seeing people with that same Arnold Schwartzeneger complex as something funny a meme if you will I can't do it I need mopowah :P But I have been heavily involved in other projects so I have not participated in this all that much so I must warn you you may already have all the information from that forum I have been hosting forums for the last 8 years or so as I could afford to my last forum I didn't have the funding for due to uncontrolled events so I had lost my domain and hosting and had to let it go. So I believe in forums and their purpose I fully understand their purpose as well.

So forgive me if I may sound a bit harsh but to me making comments like a pull string doll "use google, read the forums" is one of those things that begs a lot of question as to the purpose of them. But if it makes you feel better about yourself keep pulling your string I suppose as I said don't let me stop you.

But for me if I am at the end of the pull string comment or another user is at the end of that pull string comment I will always be there to share my disagreement as well because I believe firmly in what I say being true to life. I am one of those types of folks who believes there is no such thing as a stupid question and a question should not have to follow a special syntax to appeal to a particular kind of person call me crazy!

With that said maybe what I said does seem a little bit pushy I will leave that up to whom ever to decide and if the mods or whoever else decides I need a ban or something extreme fair enough I'll go on my merry way if I get no help than so be it I will get no help. I am fine with any recourse for what I place on this message board something that may come with age or maybe you may even take it as ignorance and that is fine as well you are entitled to think that I am ignorant and lazy all you want. But in my eyes it is the opposite the people who talk like you are the people that should do some reflective thinking just an opinion of my own being that we are sharing those at least.

Go look at google read the forum etc. etc... To me why even participate at all in a conversation if you have nothing of value to add. The only value I can see is that you are trying to give me wisdom on how to live my life I thank you very much for that but in honesty I will make that decision. Now if you were to give a substantial amount of evidence that would prove your theory I would consider it as I know as a human I am prone to error even at levels of the most simple thinking to be honest but until this happens and you give me something better than a drive by comment don't start counting any chickens.
Edit forgot to address one more thing:
And as far as I'm concerned about bumping or whatever you wish to call it "This is what I call a response not a bump."
As a matter of fact if you could move my post down or whatever I would be perfectly fine with that as well ;)
Last edited by forlotto on Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By pzw
#30225 Nice long reply you have written. I see that you are of the opinion that you can write whatever you want, and judging people without knowing them. I would like to wish you all the best in your endeavours. Without a doubt you will be successful in reaching your goals, and maybe even doing this all by yourself, writing code, experimenting etc. Hopefully you will share that with the rest of the world, like some of the people your refer to have done. But maybe not... Time will tell. Good luck!

PS It is not about what you think you write, but how other people perceive it...
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By forlotto
#30227 Point taken and noted.

I wish you the best as well and my apologies for being too demanding to you I assure you it is not my intent.