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By ulumu
#14189 Is your USB-to-TTL @ 3.3V? ESP UART can only operate on 3.3V TTL.
Are u connecting to the same ground between the USB-to-TTL and the ESP?

If you are using a FTDI chip for the USB-to-TTL conversion, you should not need the 1k in the RX line. Can u show your overall wire up diagram/configuration?
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By VikingGuy
#14232 I removed the series resister
CH_PD is 3.3VDC
GPIO_0 floating
GPIO_2 floating
reset floating
Tx Connected directly to USB to TTL
Rx Connected directly to USB to TTL
VCC 3.3VDC from a 3.3VDC supply. I've verified that the voltage is exactly 3.3VDC

GND is connect from 3.3V supply Ground to USB to TTL Ground.

I see the same issues stated above.
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By TerryE
#14249 It sounds more like a general config issue rather than with init.lua specifically. As a previous poster said, your UART chip has to run at 3.3V TTL levels, and you need a decent 3.3V power supply. Try putting a pot between VCC and ground to clean up the supply or use a different supply. And make sure that all of you contacts are clean and good.