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Websocket client cannot receive pong from server

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:00 am
by Thomas Jakober
Altough I can send a ping message as a message with opcode 9 this will be correctly received by the websocket server. But when it answers with a pong (Opcode 10) it is blocked by the websocket client. See Line 489 of websocketclient.c in the source code where messages with opcode pong will not be sent to the callback. I believe this is a misbehavior as I understood the RFC 6455 both server and clients can send a ping message and must respond with pong. In the Lua webclient module, there are no special calls and callbacks for ping and pong but it would be simple to handle with the available functions.

Is this probably a bug?

UPDATE 2017-08-10:
I found its not a bug. Websocket Module sends automatic ping messages to the server and receives and handles the pong answer from server. Not only answers pings from server. Therefore no need to handle them manually.

I did some research because i am still investigating the problem receiving sudden close events with reason code -99 I already mentioned in this forum