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Re: This is how to install without replacing your existing I

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:01 am
by ozayturay
It is really simple: Using Arduino IDE 1.6.1 or up

1- Make your "Sketchbook location" point to a subfolder in Arduino IDE like D:\Dropbox\Arduino
2- Make a hardware subfolder in it like D:\Dropbox\Arduino\hardware
3- Put the esp8266com folder from https://github.com/sandeepmistry/esp8266-Arduino repository in this hardware folder like D:\Dropbox\Arduino\hardware\esp8266com
4- Launch/ReLaunch Arduino IDE

Repeat steps 1 and 4 in other machines with the same Dropbox account.

That's it. ;)

Re: This is how to install without replacing your existing I

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:09 am
by bobcroft
it is undoubtedly simple when it works! I have installed the espArduino as you suggest and I can see the 'board' in the Arduino boards selection window. I still cannot see the espTool under programmers.

If I install Roger Clark's 1.6.1 version it works perfectly well.
There has to be something stopping the Arduino environment seeing the espTool in version 1.6.3.

I am going to delete all the varios packages etc. and start again. I'll also try the same procedure on my lap top.

Thanks for your help in listing the install steps.


Re: This is how to install without replacing your existing I

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:01 pm
by alain 06640
bobcroft wrote:
alain 06640 wrote:Works perfectly (esp8266blink example )with windows 7 and IDE1.6.3 and (My Arduino folder)\arduino-esp8266-master\ containing esp8266 and tools folders.
My arduino folder is in dropbox : Dropbox\arduino sketches. Then I can work on any pc on my local network with the same data.
Great job !
Alain (from France)

Alain, that's interesting because you make no mention of putting anything under the Arduino hardware folder. I'll have to try your set up. I have never used Dropbox but you are the second person in the last couple of days to suggest its use. I assume otherwise that you just used Roger's download.

Hi Bob, sorry, I just forgot to type hardware...
read : Arduino folder)\hardware\arduino-esp8266-master\ containing esp8266 and tools folders.
Yes, I used Roger's download

Bob in the UK.

Re: This is how to install without replacing your existing I

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:09 pm
by ozayturay
bobcroft wrote:I can see the 'board' in the Arduino boards selection window. I still cannot see the espTool under programmers.

That's because programmers.txt is now empty by default. All magic is done in boards.txt now with these lines:

Code: Select allgeneric.upload.tool=esptool

* What IDE version are you using and where did you download it from?
* Can you compile an empty sketch with selecting the right Board and COM Port under the Tools menu?
* If you can't what is the error message shown?