Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By rgriepsma
#41584 I've bought some elcheapo V3 Nodemcu modules of Aliexpress and installed the ESP Arduino IDE. I can download a program to it, which connects to my wifi network and it works fine as long as it's still connected to the USB port of my pc. But if I disconnect it and connect it to an external USB power supply it does not connect to wifi anymore, it seems to have lost its program. This happens with multiple boards so it seems either I forgot to do something or the modules are all fucked. Is there anything I'm missing to make it save the program on the board?
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By schufti
#41606 Then reconnect it to the USB of your PC and check the output on the serial monitor.
Is the original program starting and do you get some expected (debug) output?
Or just an error message from the bootloader?
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By schufti
#41704 there should be at least some output from the bootloader.
If you can't set 74880 baud then it may look as gibberish but should be there.
Adding some "debug messages" to your sketch with known baudrate might be helpfull ...