Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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By alonewolfx2
penatenjoe wrote:For those of us using 315 MHz / 433 Mhz RF transmitters/receivers: the library in throws a bunch of warnings when using it for an ESP8266 but seems to work. So far I used only the transmitter part for remotely controlled power sockets, though. For me a nice way to control appliances without the associated electrical hazards.

can you add working sketch
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By alonewolfx2
penatenjoe wrote:Sure - see attached. Similar to the blink example...
I connected my transmitter (FS1000A) directly to the GPIO5 of the ESP8266 and had to use 3V3 for VCC.

thank you for your response. did you tried reciever?