Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

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By gerardwr
Ayush Sharma wrote:I don't understand.. Help would be really Appreciated! :)

As @martinayotte advise start with the BasicHttpClient.

I suggest you try connecting to a know server to see how it works. See below for connecting to

I changed line 34 for my router credentials:
Code: Select all WiFiMulti.addAP("myroutername", "myrouterpassword");

I changed line 47 to:
Code: Select allhttp.begin(""); //HTTP

When running the sketch you should see this response from in the Arduino Serial Monitor:
Code: Select all[HTTP] begin...
[HTTP] GET... code: 200
<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="nl"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta content="/images/branding/googleg/1x/googleg_standard_color_128dp.png" itemprop="image"><title>Google</title><script>(function(){
<rest of response snipped>

Good luck!.
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By drekthral
martinayotte wrote:Yes, since you seems to use ESP8266HTTPClient, it should work !
Did you started with esp8266/2.2.0/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/examples/BasicHttpClient/BasicHttpClient.ino example ?

Thanks for response.

This code works fine:
Code: Select allhttp.begin(";

But I want something like this:
Code: Select allhttp.begin("", temp);

And this code return error in serial monitor: [HTTP] GET... failed, error: connection refused

Any ideas ?
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By martinayotte
#46637 If "temp=" has no value, probably your PHP script get into trouble somehow and never provide response.
Try to do the same with a browser, and if it is hang, you need to narrow the issue in this PHP script and/or HTTP server, there are probably hints in the logs of that server.