Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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By Regis
#50922 Hi,

After resolving sketch upload problems now when using example sketches i get garbage on the serial console the same whichever speed I choose.
I upload the sketch, when "done uploading" appear. I disconnect GPIO 0 and pull done reset or disconnect and reconnect vcc. Then I got the led blue solid and garbage repeating on the console like :

If someone could help me with this problem, I'll be grateful !

Best regards,
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By Regis
#51041 Hi, every one having this sort of trouble on Osx.
When the blue led is solid and garbage appear on the serial console it's that the upload is corrupt.
This come from the default esptool on OSx arduino install.
Try to install and modify the esp packade default.

See here : ... -os-x.html
