Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

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By ozayturay
#14341 What Arduino are you talking about? ESP8266 is Arduino herself. ;)

To minimize the problems from manually putting the device into bootloader mode you should connect DTR to GPIO0 and RTS to REST pin as suggested in CHERTS Eclipse DevKit: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=820
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#14394 MeNoGeek,
Thanks for the reply. I was under the impression by another poster's comments that GPIO0 --> GND is *only* used when reflashing bootloader firmware, not for loading software. In any event, I did try connecting GPIO0 to ground, then power up the 8266 and Arduino Uno, and attempt to reload from Arduino IDE p1...but, alas, I get the same warning/error messages.
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#14395 ByDeNB3rt,
Thanks for the additional comments.
Yes, I failed to mention this. I have a separate 300mA wall-wart DC adapter, run through both a 5v regulator and a 5v-to-3.3v step down adapter to power the 8266 module. I would think this would enable programming, at least, if not transmitting.
I also have a common ground between the power supplies, the Arduino Uno, the 8266 and the FTDI module.
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#14397 Byozayturay,
When I'm attempting to use Arduino as my USB adapter, I'm using an Uno model.
Please clarify which device has the RTS and DTR pins - none of my modules have pins marked as such. The closest thing is my FTDI module, which has pins marked DTD and CTS, which are currently floating (open). I'll check out the provided reference for additional hints - thanks!