Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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By gr0b
#16056 I have a ESP07 and to upload code I needed to pull both GPO0 and GPO15 to GND then worked fine for me.
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By rfjungle
#20915 I had used the ESP07 board and worked properly by
1. CHP_PD to +3.3v
2. GPIO0 to gnd in program mode and GPIO0 to +3.3v in operation mode

If you still saw the error message as
"warning: espcomm_sync failed", "error: espcomm_open failed"
try reset the chip by touch pin RESET to gnd several times. The board's com port could be occupied.
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By trademarkprojects
#23885 Hello all,

I bought a couple of ESP8266-07 modules a while back, and I have been trying to program them. Unfortunately I'm finding millions of different configurations, with resistors, voltage dividers, capacitors, and a bunch of random pins pulled high or low (depending on which site) but nothing I have tried has worked. If someone can help me get the 07 connected to some form of communication, I'd be very grateful.

I have an Arduino UNO, and I also have another (fried) Arduino UNO that can be used for power, FTDI chip (if that works). I don't own an FTDI tool of any kind, so I was hoping to get some sort of serial passthru with the Arduino. I intend to run the module by itself, so I don't mind using an Arduino to program it. I have various resistors available, but I'd like to keep the circuit as minimal as possible. I also don't have a 3.3V regulator on hand, so if I could just power it off my fried Arduino it might be good enough to be temporary. It does light up like that anyway.

Thanks for any help you can give. I'm new to the forum so forgive me if I'm in the wrong spot :)