Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

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By jesus.tejerina
#38994 Thanks...

I tried for serial (SoftwareSerial, AltSoftSerial) with AT commands, but there are many errors in the transmission and reception of data. That's why I thought of SPI.

check imagen. ... Berror.PNG

Please i need solution... help me... thanks. :roll:

martinayotte wrote:Do you mean that you want ESP and Arduino board communicate over SPI instead of simple Serial ?
Lot of overhead for not much benefit ... I would go to that route ...
I though you had a specific device to control.
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By martinayotte
#39016 Your screenshot show that you are using AT firmware.
Unfortunately, the AT firmware does not support any SPI communication.
But your problem with plain Serial is probably due to something else.
You should have clean communication without any problem.
On Arduino side, are you using the Hardware Serial of SoftwareSerial ?
If you are using SoftwareSerial, that is maybe the problem, it doesn't work well at 115200 baud.
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By jesus.tejerina
martinayotte wrote:Your screenshot show that you are using AT firmware.
Unfortunately, the AT firmware does not support any SPI communication.
But your problem with plain Serial is probably due to something else.
You should have clean communication without any problem.
On Arduino side, are you using the Hardware Serial of SoftwareSerial ?
If you are using SoftwareSerial, that is maybe the problem, it doesn't work well at 115200 baud.

Yes, i am using softserial, altsoftserial... both they have the same problem. I recently tried to Arduino Mega (2560) putting esp8266 to Serial1. Everything works perfectly fine :D :D :D :mrgreen: . I stay with the desire to make it work with Arduino Uno :( :( :( .
Thank you.