Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

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By Neo99
#39372 Spent my whole day building a breakout board for my new esp8266-12e, and started connecting it with arduino uno to give it a try, but the first msg it gave me was "invalid" instead of being "ready", super dissapointed.
I have made the following connection-
Vcc-3.3V of arduino
Gnd- Gnd of arduino
TXD-Tx of arduino
RXD-Rx of arduino
Please guide me what to do,ASAP.
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By JoeO
#39501 The Arduino can not supply enough current on its 3.3 volt output to power the ESP8266. You will need a power supply capable of supplying at least 300 ma. Don't forget to connect the grounds together.
You may have other problems but this is definitely a problem.