Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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By paulfer
martinayotte wrote:If you mean basic STA+AP sketch, I've posted one more than a year ago, but it is probably obsolete, although the idea still the same. But for quicker way, simply take the example from ... ccessPoint, and add a call to WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); just after the WiFi.softAP(HostName, password); and then add the STA connection with WiFi.begin(router_ssid, router_password);.
This way, the ESP is both STA and AP.

Many many thanks sir!! I shall try that!

Best regds

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By paulfer
#53421 Dear Martin, just to give feedback, I added the line WiFi.mode(STA_AP_MODE) and my syetm is functioning perfectly! On the ESP 1's.

I just now need to get my ESP12e's working. Nothing I can do or try has made them work.

Thanks again sir!

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By martinayotte
#53422 There must be something else preventing your ESP-12E to work, because it is the same ESP8266 chip used on both modules, therefore same firmware on both should work with the same behaviour.
Check your wiring again ...
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By paulfer
martinayotte wrote:There must be something else preventing your ESP-12E to work, because it is the same ESP8266 chip used on both modules, therefore same firmware on both should work with the same behaviour.
Check your wiring again ...

Alas. I wish I knew. Ive literally tried everything. Multiple times. Four days now. Wiring. Different flashers. Different hardware. Power supllies. Etc etc. To no avail. My only conclusion is that i bought 3 duds.

Regds. Paul.