Using the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266 and found bugs, report them here

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By JonasE
#59037 Hi,

I have two Node MCU 0.9.

First one: Set up to be a access point and also listens to port 15555. If there is a connection and something is received this is printed on an OLED display. Simple enough.

Second one: This one has a 1 wire temp sensor. It reads it, opens 15555 to the first one and writes the temperature as a string. Also simple enough. 8-)

As described above I could not get things to work properly. The first one starts up ok, I can connect to it from my PC and just writing some text to it with PuTTY on port 15555. Works like a charm!

The second one connects with it's Wifi. It gets an IP and everything looks ok. But it cannot connect to the 15555 port. I get an error when trying.

If I let them both connect to my Wifi router's SSID instead everything works perfectly.

Also, if I move down from 2.3.0 all the way to 2.0.0 things spring to life... Not 100% stable perhaps, but that might be my code.

I can't get the example sketches (only minimal changes) that uses AP to work between two modules either. To the PC it works fine.

It's just as if the second module don't get all needed info when connecting to the AP in the first one and therefore cannot connect.

Both modules can be pinged from the PC.

Try the AP sketch with a web server and try to connect to port 80 from another module. I just cant get it to connect using anything but 2.0.0.

Am I missing something? :roll:

Best regards, Jonas
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By MSol
#59053 Hi,
we have exact the same problem using ESP8266 ESP-12F (Espruino JavaScript 1v89), i.e. two devices cannot link to each other. WiFi has link, but Socket does not open.

We would like to continue test to be able to set the static IP addresses on both sides. Unfortunately, we do not find appropriate method how to set static IP address and change subnet mask using WiFi library ( This question was also posted in "Javascript for ESP8266 (Espruino and Smart.js)" section and still waiting any feedback.

Dear Experts, please advise. Thank you!
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By JonasE
#59055 Tested some more... It stopped working when I went back to 2.3.0, and when I once more went back to 2.0.0 it still didn't work.

Messed around some more... Suddenly it started working with 2.3.0. I then changed only a value (having to do with the display), and when uploaded it stopped working again. Probably had nothing to do with the change, but with the reset.

Please let me know if you have any input.

Best regards, Jonas