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PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:54 am
by GerryKeely

I have downloaded the ESP8266Arduino package onto my computer(Windows Vista Home).
The esptool provided does not program the chip even though it appears to be doing so.
ie dots indicating progress in Arduino IDE,both areas of memory being written to, serial led flashing on board and finally the "done uploading" indication in the Arduino IDE.

I have tried the nodemcu firmware flasher , and it programs the chip ok .

Not to sure if this is a bug or not and wondering if anybody else had this experience.

Finally thank you to the developers for creating this great package.



edit: esp board is from Olimex which has a 2MB memory, not too sure if this is the problem ?

Re: esptool

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:20 pm
by CheapB
GerryKeely wrote:Hi

I have downloaded the ESP8266Arduino package onto my computer(Windows Vista Home).
The esptool provided does not program the chip even though it appears to be doing so.
ie dots indicating progress in Arduino IDE,both areas of memory being written to, serial led flashing on board and finally the "done uploading" indication in the Arduino IDE.

I have tried the nodemcu firmware flasher , and it programs the chip ok .

Not to sure if this is a bug or not and wondering if anybody else had this experience.

Finally thank you to the developers for creating this great package.



edit: esp board is from Olimex which has a 2MB memory, not too sure if this is the problem ?

I had the same problem. see here viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2275&start=10#p13674 this will install an AT firmware and get back to a module that works. while you have the AT firmware in there you should run AT+CWMODE=1
to get it out of AP mode as it otherwise sticks - even after loading an aurdrino sketch.

Re: esptool

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:19 am
by swilson
That's strange. For the record I had nodemcu on my esp-12 and flashed straight over it with a sketch and it is working fine.

Re: esptool

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:38 am
by GerryKeely

The reason for my problem was due to fact that Olimex board has a larger flash memory than the standard ESP board and the esptool.exe tool can only program the standard size flash rom.

I now use the esptool.py version to program which as an option for the larger size memory and so far this works well.
