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ESP-01 knocking out wifi?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:12 pm
by Brad
Am working on a prototype for my IoT project, and today when I fired up my ESP8266, everything in the house lost wifi connectivity. I am not sure if this is hardware or software, but I am using the latest Arduino firmware, so thought I would post here.

This is the second time I have lost conectivity while using the board The first was just a small hiccup that lasted about 4 seconds. This one lasted substantially longer. In the first case it was during use, and GPIO0 briefly went high and the board reset when it happened This time was on startup. Again GPIO0 went high, but this time there was no board reset. I'm not sure if it is just flooding the router somehow, or if it is a larger issue. Anyone have this happen?

Unfortunately I did not have my serial monitor plugged in at the time, so I have no idea what sort of output was being produced, or exactly which part of the code executed immediately prior.