Using the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266 and found bugs, report them here

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By DangeRuss
#30535 I have several ESP-01 modules. I'm able to connect to my WPA2 Personal network at home and other WPA2 open networks, but I'm having trouble connecting to the WPA2 Enterprise network at my office. After sitting down with some folks from IT and monitoring the network traffic, it looks like the ESP is receiving an IP address but never acknowledging or ARPing back to the DHCP server. The server eventually times out and drops the ESP. I'm running the stable version of the libraries (1.6.5-947-g28719f0). I tried digging in to the code to turn on LWIP_DEBUG outputs, but I've hit a wall at the binary blobs from Espressif. Any ideas?

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By Storeable_Ace
#39549 DangeRuss,
Could you send links on how you connected your ESP-01 to a WPA2 Enterprise Network? What serial connections did you use to update your ESP-01? I'm using the Arduino. I'm having trouble connecting to a <company_ssid>, <username>, <password> network. Thanks.