Using the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266 and found bugs, report them here

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By phil.harlow
#40989 Hi guys, I'm just getting started with ESP stuff, so I apologize if I'm asking in the wrong place, or have missed a glaring step.

My problem is fairly straight forward tho.

I have a new NodeMCU v1.0 Amica board, (this: ... R2-002.jpg) and am trying to load HelloServer from the examples onto the board using the Arduino IDE. I'm using win10 with Arduino v1.6.7 and the ESP8266 plugin v2.0.0 installed via BoardManager, selected the correct settings, and can flash to the board no problem. My problem is the board constantly resets with this error in the serial monitor:

Code: Select all...........
 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42

My steps to repro:
Take a new nodemcu amica.
Edit helloServer example to use your correct SSID and password.
Flash to board.
Watch serial monitor for constant reboot loop.

I've tried two separate amica boards, both with the same exact issue. The first time I uploaded the sketch, the serial monitor showed it connecting to my network, getting an IP, then resetting. Now it seems to always reset during the connection part where it keeps printing '.' I have not made any logic changes to the code, using the example as is, and I just cannot get it to stay up for longer than 5 seconds or so. I don't have any pins connected to anything, just the USB connection to my computer.

Does anyone have any ideas for why this is happening? I feel like I must be missing a glaring step, but I've poured over tens of tutorials (each witht heir own way of doing things, and different boards, etc) but haven't found any solution. If I load the Blink example or even the WifiScan example, it never resets.

Thanks for any help!