Using the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266 and found bugs, report them here

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By Punith R
#41694 I am using a ESP-02 module.
I have connected a sensor to the GPIO0 pin of the module to send sensor data to the cloud every 10 seconds.
I have used arduino IDE to successfully program the module with GPIO0 connected to GND,VCC and CH_PD to +3.3V Supply,UTXD to RXD of TTL and Vice versa.

But when i reset the power to the module,with the GPIO0 pin connected to the sensor,it goes to boot mode.When i disconnect the GPIO0 from the sensor and then resetting the module will work normally.
Please help me with this...
How to make it work normally to work at startup???
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By martinayotte
#41754 What kind of sensors ?
If it only logic level, you can use inverter logic to make it HIGH when sensors is in idle.
Simply use a NPN transistor or N-Channel MOSFET and invert the logic in your code.
Otherwise, you will need an ESP with more pins such ESP-12.