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HelloServer causes Exception

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:30 am
by Henning

I`m an ESP8266 beginner. I have an ELEGIANT ESP-12E and I tried to test the examples. Unfortunately I have exeptions in every example.

Here I tried the HelloServer example and this is the result:

Connected to Minas_Morgul
IP address:
MDNS responder started
HTTP server started

Exception (0):
epc1=0x40106cf6 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000

ctx: sys
sp: 3ffffd80 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0

3fffff20: 4021afcf 005e0001 40210af0 3ffecd20
3fffff30: 3fff0eac 00000001 4021b00e 40210b09
3fffff40: 4021ae1d 3fff2184 3fffff80 3fff16bc
3fffff50: 3ffe0000 3fff0eac 3ffee820 4021b7d0
3fffff60: 3fff2184 3fff16bc 3ffeaeb0 4021a56f
3fffff70: 3fff16bc 00000014 4021ab1a 3fff2184
3fffff80: 3fff16bc 3fffdc80 3fff174c 3ffefd30
3fffff90: 402264d3 3fff2184 00000000 4020632f
3fffffa0: 40000f49 3fffdab0 3fffdab0 40000f49

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42

Connected to Minas_Morgul
IP address:
MDNS responder started
HTTP server started

As board I selected the NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module )

Can somebody help me, please ?

friendly regards

Re: HelloServer causes Exception

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:27 am
by Henning
I can`t interpret the exception message, I have to less experience. It seems that the stackpointer crossed the 40000000 mark for any reason. Is it possible to influence the stacksize at startup ?

But why is there a stackproblem in a simple example ? I can not imagine that other users can reproduce this. Possibly I`m doing something wrong. Here more information:

Dev.System: Windows 7
Arduino IDE version: 1.6.5
Board manager url: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/packa ... index.json
Example: File/Examples/ESP8266WebServer/HelloServer
Board: "NodeMCU1.0 ( ESP-12E Module )"
Upload using : "Serial"
CPU frequency: "80MHz"
Flash Size: "4M (3M SPIFFS)
Upload Speed: "115200"
Port: "COM7"
Programmer:"AVRISP mkII"


Did somebody executed the HelloServer example successfull on an ELEGIANT ESP-12E ?

Thank you very much for information,

Re: HelloServer causes Exception

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:32 am
by martinayotte
You should probably install the EspExceptionDecoder tool to get more details :
https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob ... ck_dump.md

Re: HelloServer causes Exception

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:21 am
by Henning
Thank you for your help,

here is the result from the EspExeptionDecoder:

0x4021afcf: igmp_tmr at ?? line ?
0x40210af0: ieee80211_deliver_data at ?? line ?
0x4021b00e: igmp_tmr at ?? line ?
0x40210b09: ieee80211_deliver_data at ?? line ?
0x4021ae1d: igmp_input at ?? line ?
0x4021b7d0: ip_input at ?? line ?
0x4021a56f: etharp_find_addr at ?? line ?
0x4021ab1a: ethernet_input at ?? line ?
0x402264d3: ets_snprintf at ?? line ?
0x4020632f: loop_task at C:\Users\Bettina\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.1.0\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp line 43

hmmm ...