Using the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266 and found bugs, report them here

Moderator: igrr

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By picstart
#46514 The transmitter reads a GPS and puts a muticast packet into the air with the lat and long
after the receiver get several packets ( it varies ) it will crash and reset
I have the latest core 2.2.0 I suspect the core may have an issue.

Win10 64 pro error occurs with Arduino 1.6.8 core 2.2 ( It also occurs with 1.6.5
At times it will crash after the first packet is received most often it is after 20 or more packets are received

[code]#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>

int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
const char* ssid = "ssid"; // your network SSID (name)
const char* pass = "password"; // your network password

unsigned int localPort = 5001; // local port to listen for UDP packets

char packetBuffer[64]; //buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets

WiFiUDP Udp;

// Multicast declarations
IPAddress ipMulti(239, 0, 0, 57);

unsigned int portMulti =5001; // local port to listen on
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

// setting up Station AP
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

// Wait for connect to AP
int tries=0;
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
if (tries > 30){


Serial.println("Connected to wifi");
Serial.print("Udp Multicast listener started at : ");
Udp.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), ipMulti, portMulti);

void loop()
int noBytes ,message_size;

noBytes= Udp.parsePacket(); //// returns the size of the packet
if ( noBytes>0 && noBytes<64)

Serial.print(millis() / 1000);
Serial.print(":Packet of ");
Serial.print(" received from ");
// We've received a packet, read the data from it
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,64); // read the packet into the buffer

if (message_size>0)
packetBuffer[message_size]=0; //// null terminate

} // end if



Serial Monitor output

30:Packet of 44 received from xx.xx.0.105:4097
From: xx.xx.0.105:lat= 29.9051:lon= -92.0781

Crashes here with this error
Exception (0):
epc1=0x40106752 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000

ctx: sys
sp: 3ffffd80 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0

3fffff20: 40221c53 005e0001 4020ba44 3ffec4c0
3fffff30: 3ffefcbc 00000001 40221c92 4020ba5d
3fffff40: 40221aa1 3fff023c 3ffec4c0 3ffe9950
3fffff50: 3ffe0000 3ffefcbc 3ffee810 40222490
3fffff60: 3fff023c 3fff00bc 3ffe9978 3ffec4c0
3fffff70: 3fff00bc 00000014 4022179e 3fff023c
3fffff80: 3fff00bc 3fffdc80 3fff012c 3fffdcb0
3fffff90: 40219133 3fff023c 00000000 40202983
3fffffa0: 40000f49 3fffdab0 3fffdab0 40000f49

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(1,6)

Decoding 11 results
0x40221c4b: igmp_tmr at ?? line ?
0x4020ba3c: ieee80211_deliver_data at ?? line ?
0x40221c8a: igmp_tmr at ?? line ?
0x4020ba55: ieee80211_deliver_data at ?? line ?
0x40221a99: igmp_input at ?? line ?
0x40222488: ip_input at ?? line ?
0x40221796: ethernet_input at ?? line ?
0x4021912b: ets_snprintf at ?? line ?
0x4020300f: loop_task at C:\Arduino\arduino-1.6.8\portable\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.2.0\cores\esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp line 43
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By martinayotte
#46520 Yes, it seems a bug introduced in 2.2.0, several people provided the same stacktrace these past days and they were using UDP too.
I strongly suggest to post on the Gitter chat,, since many gurus such IGRR, MeNoDev or Makuna are chatting there but are not following all threads in the forum.
User avatar
By picstart
#47954 UDP ( multicast receipt) with the Arduino IDE still has issues.
It is very very prone to crashing.
I posted the issue on glitter within the arduino IDE topic.
If there is a better way to report bugs let me know.