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Re: Sending DATA from ESP8266 to WebServer + via ArduinoIDE

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:14 pm
by luketanti
Hi. I am also trying to read a sensor (Current Transformer) and then write the data to a local SQL server. I know it can be done by using an Arduino Uno with an Ethernet shield but I am not sure how to implement this using the ESP8266 only. It is possible but I do not know the how to do this. I have searched online but only found similar solutions by using the LUA framework.

Re: Sending DATA from ESP8266 to WebServer + via ArduinoIDE

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:42 pm
by stavbodik
I am facing same problem , i want to connect to my local web-server (Wamp) trough esp for reduce connection time, I think the main problem is that ESP connects to the wifi router , the router all what he can do is to forward us to another computer inside the LAN (in our case is the PC which is runs the server),
Wamp server has option for allowing other people on Local Network access to other PC server but again this is not done trough the router... this is done trough the LAN cables inside the walls. . .

There is very nice solution i have found to communicate with my computer but the problem is lose of packets as fast as you try to send ....more packets will be lost(in my case i use sensors and deep sleep i don't know why is this behavior, this has something to do with long calculation time i think).

UDP packets you can accomplish that using esp as client that sending UDP packets to server which runs UDP receiver , here is example of ESP(c) and Java :


Java :
http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Network ... ockets.htm