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Re: Arduino esp IDE ST7735 TFT

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:02 am
by schufti
for me it looks more like a cleanup.
_cs, _rst_ etc are defined in Adafruit_ST7735.h but only for three distinct platforms.
So the definition previously working for ESP8266 most likely was unintentionally pulled in somewhere else and cleaned up now for unambiguity.
So most likely now it won't compile for Adafruit ESP8266 boards either.

Re: Arduino esp IDE ST7735 TFT

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:59 am
by picstart
norm8332 writes
You are correct..I tested the very latest version of Adafruit_ST7735 and I got the same error. They did change it. The one i have is dated 1 week earlier than the latest and it works. I am preserving it on Github for the ESP8266 Community.

The issue with commercial code is it is designed to make money...who would expect otherwise. When I look at the Arduino Libraries they seem dominated by commercial code. This code can be crippled at any time with no warning if the vendor has a money based interest to do so. Further the vendor has no reason to make the crippling feature visible since it would easily be defeated. The Arduino IDE to achieve simplicity does many things behind the scenes so inadvertently it aids the commercial developer who provides free code and then decides to go for the money.
Microsoft has a free upgrade to Windows 10.....does anyone believe it will be free forever?...once your files convert to the new Win10 B+ tree file system they have you locked in.

Sorry for digressing.

At the same time there are many valuable non commercial projects u8glib and ucglib .

Thanks immensely for sticking with me on this and providing the solution. Thanks to Adafruit code we both wasted a lot of time.

Re: Arduino esp IDE ST7735 TFT

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:47 pm
by mrburnette
picstart wrote:<...>
The issue with commercial code is it is designed to make money...who would expect otherwise. When I look at the Arduino Libraries they seem dominated by commercial code. This code can be crippled at any time with no warning if the vendor has a money based interest to do so. Further the vendor has no reason to make the crippling feature visible since it would easily be defeated.

I've been using Arduino'ish stuff for 5+ years and during that time I have never witnessed Adafruit doing anything but helping the open hardware community. Your comments are really not kind to the effort that Adafruit puts into the freely open libs.

Yes, Adafruit is a commercial company, but the changes made by Limor Fried (Ladyada) and staff are to support both her products, new Arduino.cc products, new Arduino.org products and also other Arduino platforms such as Teensy3.1, etc. There is so much hardware these days that the libs are in constant revision.


Re: Arduino esp IDE ST7735 TFT

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:00 am
by vikash33380
hello folks,

If my esp8266 module is not showing in the list of available networks is it damaged?
Though I am able to have serial communication with it using arduino.

I have problem uploading the latest firmware using NodeMcu