Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By frjariello
#43079 Hello,
I'm trying to use programming over the OTA, but it does not work :(
After downloading the BasicOTA.ino via serial, and restarted the Arduino IDE (1.6.7), in the Ports properly appears the IP address of my ESP-07, however, after select it when I try to load not work and show [ERROR]: No response from device

Any idea on what might depend ?


bye bye
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By krzychb
#43113 Hi frjariello,

Basing on this issue report you ESP-07 likely has 512KB flash memory that is usually just not enough for OTA.
To check the flash size I would run CheckFlashConfig.ino sketch available under File > Examples > ESP8266.

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By mixxx2005
#46312 Hello, I have NodeMCU board and I want to try OTA sketch upload from Arduino IDE.
I already tried tutorial at the beginning of this thread , but I could not find the sketch in examples => ESP8266mDNS folder.(yes I have added ESP8266 to boards maneger)

So is there any good step by step tutorial how to use OTA with Arduino IDE on Esp8266?