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ESP8266 4 Arduino IDE updates? Some help please!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:56 am
by Arduolli
ittizius wrote:
schufti wrote:it is not that compilcated. Just:
a) download the .zip archive
b) find the 2.30 folder on your PC
c) replace all content with the new files from the archive EXCEPT platform.txt
this should bring you in line with the svn

Is this supposed to be a stable method?
I did just that and i got the same compilation errors with any sketch i tried to compile.
I have the latest IDE, on Win7 i copied into this folder:
Is that the 2.3.0 folder?

I have the same question (and the same problems) getting it to run (based on 1.8.1 IDE on Win10 - 32 and 64 bit PCs).

-> It would be great to get some more detailed instructions on how to get the latest svn improvements into the std IDE in a way as described above - especially, as the developers (igrr et al.) are busy with the next generation esp32, so we don't need to bother them.
That way, we could benefit from these already established improvements - w/o taking time from the key people working now on esp32....
All the best, Heiner

Re: Is ESP8266 for Arduino IDE dead ?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:06 am
by martinayotte
(BTW, sources are not in SVN but in GIT)
The procedure to use latest git sources into Arduino IDE is already described in https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino, simply look at the "Using git version" section.

Re: Is ESP8266 for Arduino IDE dead ?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:31 pm
by Arduolli
Thanks, martinayotte!
I hesitated before to try that, since the path and other stuff looks so different on my Windows system than what is described there...
However, with a bit of trial & error, I think I got it to run.
Here is what I did to update from 2.3.0 Version:

1) Download: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/tree/master as a zip folder (green button right side) and extract Zip somewhere on your system
2) Find the correct path on your windows system for esp8266 stuff. It should be here:
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\ (might be a hidden folder)
in here, there are 2 subfolders:
- hardware
- tools
3) Delete the 'tools' subfolder and all its contens
4) Go to the subfolder:
and delete all content from that subfolder
5) copy all content from your previously downladed and extracted files here. (Copy / move all subfolders from 'Arduino-master' here - not 'Arduino-master' itself
6) Go to folder
and run (from cmd):
Code: Select allpython get.py
(You need to have python 2.7 installed on your Windows machine. Subfolders esptool etc are now generated.)
7) Done

This worked for me - compilations for esp8266 work fine.

Re: Is ESP8266 for Arduino IDE dead ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:10 am
by schufti
you are correct. Unfortunately there has been too much change for the simple solution to work.

For an easy maintainable Arduino-esp8266-ide I would do something like:

a) download .zip version of recent Arduino-ide
b) unpack it to some suitable place (e.g. d:\, keep the version info if you like to have several versions)
c) create an empty directory "portable" in this directory
d) start arduino once
e) under "portable" create following chain of directories: packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.3.0
f) proceed like from 5) in your post
g) download and copy following file into "portable" so that ide recognises esp8266 devices
http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/packa ... index.json

this gives you the freedom of the location of your Arduino-ide, simplifies backups (all in one dir) and parallel versions, keeps your settings, all sketches and additional libs in one place (portable\sketchbook)

If someone knows how to generate the .json (preferrably add it to get.py) this would be awesome.
Edit: attached .json since server has repeated dropouts (unzip into portable dir)