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By trackerj
#13848 No outbound traffic so far from NodeMCU / LUA.

Will take also a deeper look, if true will kill appetite for the Arduino IDE. At least for me.

Rember the story with NodeMCU Flasher?
Mistery solved somehow by coder answer.
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By markbee
#13855 Logged the outbound traffic for some hours now and also internal network traffic - with no ESP connected to the network.
I can't see any of the IP-addresses mentioned in my first post or the IP-pattern (*.*.255.63) - which were requested by the ESP-modules before as they were connected to my WLAN - in the logs now. So it looks this outbound connection is initiated by the ESP-modules.

What I did is flashing the example ESP8266WebServer/HelloServer on two of my modules. I slightly altered the code but only to GPIO behaviour and some strings getting delivered when the server is requested. There is no outbound traffic initiated in the code, it should all work in my local WLAN.
Outbound requests of my ESP-modules only happen (at least up to now this seems to be the pattern) when I do a webserver request to a module. The ESP-modules don't seem to initiate this outbound traffic by themselves without invoking the webserver.

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By trackerj
markbee wrote:Logged the outbound traffic for some hours now and also internal network traffic - with no ESP connected to the network.
I can't see any of the IP-addresses mentioned in my first post or the IP-pattern (*.*.255.63) - which were requested by the ESP-modules before as they were connected to my WLAN - in the logs now. So it looks this outbound connection is initiated by the ESP-modules.

What I did is flashing the example ESP8266WebServer/HelloServer on two of my modules. I slightly altered the code but only to GPIO behaviour and some strings getting delivered when the server is requested. There is no outbound traffic initiated in the code, it should all work in my local WLAN.
Outbound requests of my ESP-modules only happen (at least up to now this seems to be the pattern) when I do a webserver request to a module. The ESP-modules don't seem to initiate this outbound traffic by themselves without invoking the webserver.


Interesting. Might be a event trigger mechanism for calling back home. Hope not, as that means is coming from the silicon wafer itself, inside chip hardcoded and designed in that way. Not impossbile but quite paranoid idea :D
hmmm... can you try also another webserver software and run some request to see what's happening ? I don't have right now the right toys around for that :(.