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Re: WEMOS ESP8266 D1 (Arduino sized) board - problems!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:02 am
by DrG
I don't have one of these boards but I was looking into them yesterday. I don't think what you are seeing represents a problem with the board functioning or ArduinoIDE 1.67. There are three types of WEMOS boards now, the D1 (which has been discontinued) the D1 R2 and the mini http://www.wemos.cc/wiki/doku.php?id=en:start .

I suspect you have the D1 (R1- the original) and you can see from the schematic http://www.wemos.cc/wiki/lib/exe/fetch. ... =en:d1.pdf which of the IO lines have 10K pull up resistors (GPIO0,GPIO2) or pull down (GPIO15). The information is also in the pin definition table http://www.wemos.cc/wiki/doku.php?id=en:d1#schematics. For the D1 R2, there is an analogous table http://www.wemos.cc/wiki/doku.php?id=en ... schematics although I don't see the schematic for that board.

As has been mentioned, those pins will act differently than straight through I/O and is likely why you see the behavior you report with the "blink" routine.

I hope those URLs are helpful.

Re: WEMOS ESP8266 D1 (Arduino sized) board - problems!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:34 pm
by Aresby
That's amazingly helpful - I'll check out those schematics asap.

Trust me to end up with a board that has already been superseded - perhaps that's why it was so cheap!

Re: WEMOS ESP8266 D1 (Arduino sized) board - problems!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:02 pm
by Ttam
Sorry its a bit late and I am sure you haven't been a stupid as I have just been for the last two hours but...
When you used blink on your D1 what pin number did you use for the output pin?
I tried Pin D7 to start with, and I got the wdt reset, and found your post.
I then tried Pin D2 and the ESP8266 flashed, but my LED stayed off.

Then I remembered just because the pin is marked D2 doesn't mean it is D2, so I switched my code to use 16 and everything started working.

Re: WEMOS ESP8266 D1 (Arduino sized) board - problems!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 4:06 am
by Aresby
I haven't tried the code on this board for some time (too busy creating videos for my YouTube channel) but I had suspected this might be the problem - pin number assignments.

I hope to be able to check out all the suggestions on this forum this weekend and I'll certainly post back here with my results. Considering I've been able to use the board 100% successfully to create a simple HTTP server and connect to a NTP service I'm guessing it really is going to be something as simple as you have suggested (fingers crossed). I'm printing out your post for future reference too!

Must dash, I have a new Arduino video lined up ready for editing 8-)