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Moderator: igrr

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By schufti
#53408 Hi,
if you'd read the detailed _question_ in the first post and not only the headline, you'd understood my answer.
to my correct statement:
Arduino doesn't use any espressif SDK at all.

you commeted:
False statement !

And I especially detailed in the part you didn't quote, that I reference to the original question.
But never mind, that's only white noise to the thread ...
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By helpme
martinayotte wrote:I think we are not talking about the same thing here ...
I've never said that plain Arduino are using Espressif SDK, but simply that Arduido ESP framework installed from Package Manager or not (because we can also install it manually from github) is using those Espressif libraries.
That is all ! Otherwise it would not be possible to use ESP, since part of the SDK is "closed sources" !
For the original question from the title "Which EspressIf SDK does Arduino ESP8266 use?", the version in used can be displayed from .arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0/tools/sdk/version (when IGrr doesn't forget to update this version number)

Exactly. Arduino ESP8266 has to use parts of the EspressIf SDK since those parts are closed-source.