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IR Library Displaying Wrong Code

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:42 am
by physiii
I have a TSOP38238 IR receiver connected to a WROOM02 that is displaying the wrong codes. if I connect the IR receiver to an arduino uno and use IRLib, it works but using the IRremoteESP8266 library with the ESP does not. Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?

(volume up)
Encoding : UNKNOWN
Code : 76346EE5 (32 bits)
+4500, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 +1650, - 650
+ 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600
+ 550, - 600 +1650, - 650 +1650, - 600 + 550, - 600
+1650, - 600 +1650, - 650 +1650, - 600 +1650, - 600
+1650, - 600 + 550, - 600 +1650, - 600 + 550, - 600
+ 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600
+ 550, - 600 +1650, - 600 + 550, - 600 +1650, - 600
+1650, - 600 +1650, - 600 +1650, - 600 +1650, - 600
+1650, - 650
unsigned int rawData[66] = {4500,600, 550,600, 550,600, 1650,650, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 1650,650, 1650,600, 550,600, 1650,600, 1650,650, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,600, 550,600, 1650,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 1650,600, 550,600, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,650 }; // UNKNOWN 76346EE5

(volume down)
Encoding : UNKNOWN
Code : 6F70DE61 (32 bits)
+4500, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 +1650, - 650
+ 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600
+ 550, - 600 +1650, - 650 +1650, - 600 + 550, - 600
+1650, - 600 +1650, - 650 +1650, - 600 +1650, - 600
+1650, - 650 +1650, - 650 +1650, - 600 + 550, - 600
+ 550, - 600 + 550, - 650 + 550, - 650 + 550, - 650
+ 550, - 650 + 550, - 600 + 550, - 600 +1650, - 600
+1650, - 650 +1650, - 600 +1650, - 600 +1650, - 650
+1650, - 600
unsigned int rawData[66] = {4500,600, 550,600, 550,600, 1650,650, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,600, 1650,650, 1650,600, 550,600, 1650,600, 1650,650, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,650, 1650,650, 1650,600, 550,600, 550,600, 550,650, 550,650, 550,650, 550,650, 550,600, 550,600, 1650,600, 1650,650, 1650,600, 1650,600, 1650,650, 1650,600 }; // UNKNOWN 6F70DE61

(volume up)
Decoded NEC(1): Value:20DF40BF (32 bits)
Raw samples(68): Gap:33040
Head: m8850 s4500
0:m500 s600 1:m500 s600 2:m500 s1700 3:m500 s600
4:m500 s600 5:m450 s650 6:m450 s600 7:m500 s600
8:m500 s1700 9:m500 s1700 10:m500 s600 11:m500 s1700
12:m450 s1700 13:m500 s1700 14:m500 s1700 15:m500 s1700

16:m450 s600 17:m500 s1700 18:m500 s600 19:m500 s600
20:m500 s600 21:m500 s600 22:m500 s600 23:m500 s600
24:m450 s1700 25:m500 s600 26:m500 s1700 27:m500 s1700
28:m500 s1700 29:m450 s1700 30:m500 s1700 31:m500 s1700

Mark min:450 max:500
Space min:600 max:1700

(volume down)
Decoded NEC(1): Value:20DFC03F (32 bits)
Raw samples(68): Gap:13328
Head: m8850 s4500
0:m500 s600 1:m500 s600 2:m500 s1700 3:m500 s600
4:m500 s600 5:m500 s600 6:m450 s600 7:m500 s600
8:m500 s1700 9:m500 s1700 10:m500 s600 11:m500 s1700
12:m450 s1700 13:m500 s1700 14:m500 s1700 15:m500 s1700

16:m450 s1700 17:m500 s1700 18:m450 s650 19:m450 s650
20:m450 s650 21:m450 s650 22:m450 s650 23:m450 s600
24:m500 s600 25:m500 s600 26:m500 s1700 27:m450 s1750
28:m450 s1750 29:m450 s1700 30:m500 s1700 31:m450 s1750

Mark min:450 max:500
Space min:600 max:1750

Re: IR Library Displaying Wrong Code

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:15 am
by mrburnette
You must be careful with Arduino libs that have internal timing parameters hardcoded. The ESP8266 is faster, more efficient, and Arduino code must yield to the background RF timeslice every 50mS.

Use a different libraryQ
Maybe: https://github.com/markszabo/IRremoteESP8266
